
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 16th Mar, 10:30am

Discipleship Groups

We have a range of recently launched groups whose purpose is to help nurture Christian faith by providing an opportunity to meet together to reflect on the bible and on theology to pray together.

Monday Group
We are usually seven or eight in number and often meet in one another’s homes on a Monday at 7.30pm, or on on Zoom. We enjoy study followed by much chat and support. We normally meet every second week in Autumn until Christmas and January towards Easter. Our subjects vary. We have used study material from many sources and all take turns to present. For more information contact
Jane Crispin or Isobel Kiltie

MCT Faith Discussion Group

Introducing the  Bible  and its relevance today

Begins Tuesday 14th January

Meeting every week in SURC Upper Hall from 7.30 to 9pm

 For more information contact Richard Nunn here

The Zoom link is 
Meeting ID: 883 5508 9123
Passcode: 040282