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Sun 23rd Feb, 10:30am

St Andrew’s Church Jerusalem

The partnership, and the letters below, unfortunately ceased, along with so many other things, with the pandemic, and our link to St Andrews ceased.

But, St Andrews Jerusalem is still there, still serving the Christian community, and still trying to offer support. where it us needed

To see what they do, read about it on https://www.standrewsjerusalem.org/

We were prayer partners with Rev John McCulloch who was minister of St. Andrews Church in Jerusalem. John was ordained and inducted to the Church of Scotland congregation in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday 2018 - he was there with his wife Annette and children. We have strong links with Jerusalem because one of our previous ministers, Rev Clarence Musgrave, served there after he demitted from Murrayfield in 2000. We also have historic links because it was an elder from Murrayfield, Ninian Hill, who proposed to Edinburgh Presbytery, in the 1920s that a congregation should be created in Jerusalem. Ninian went on to be its first minister. We did receive regular updates from Rev John McCulloch but, as in so many other areas, the pandemic brough this to a close. The letters received can still be read below


Letter from John McCulloch_Dec_18.

Report from Kate_Mcdonald.Dec 2018

Letter from John McCulloch April 2019

Letter from John McCulloch December 2019

Letter from John McCulloch January 2020

Letter from John McCulloch March 2020