
Next service: Sunday Service (Communion)
Sun 6th Apr, 10:30am

Coming to Church

We are very happy to welcome all comers to church. Please feel free to visit us if you are looking for a suitable church for yourself, for example if you have moved into the local area or if you are moving church. Please feel free to visit us if you are exploring faith and want to find out more. Please feel free to visit us also if you are wanting to return to church after a period away.

Anyone is welcome to come to a church service. Whilst we gather to worship and take seriously coming into God’s Presence with reverence, we also try and make sure that worship is accessible to people of all ages, including families of young children. The service starts at 10.30am and last for around an hour. We follow a fairly classic Church of Scotland format - we sing hymns, we pray to God, we hear the scriptures read, we listen for God speaking to us through the sermon and we uplift an offering.

There are plenty of door welcomers and people on duty to help you with any queries. We have an induction loop system.