
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 16th Mar, 10:30am

Family Events

Making provision for the whole family is on the top of our list when organising events. We hold a number of events over the year which our Families can enjoy with the Church and Community Family. Some of the regular events are detailed below. Watch for further details, information and new activities on our website

Picnic – At the start of the Autumn Term, we have our family Picnic, This is followed by Family Fun - perhaps a Games day in Roseburn Park - the perfect opportunity to catch up after the summer holidays. This is an annual event, suitable for all ages and all are welcome to join in

Movie Nights – Our Family Movie nights are a great way to get together on a cold winter’s eveningfor families of all ages. Popular movies are followed by pizza and ice cream for the children. We hope to host our next one at the beginning of December

The Bridge - For our older children, we join with our fellow Cluster Churches, in a monthly  event held at Palmerston Place Church. 

Messy Church - A favourite with our Church and Community Families. Crafts, music, stories and a meal on a Saturday afternoon. Our next Massy Church Events are on the 30th September and the 25th November 2023

Christmas - S Club present their version of the Nativity story - a must be seen! Followed by lunch for all the congregation, and the 'Christmas Quiz'

Fun with Faith - a regular event for children with our partners at Saughtonhall United Reformed Church