
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 16th Mar, 10:30am

Our Partners

We are part of Murrayfield Churches Together [should say this in a few places and have the MCT logo well displayed]. MCT brings together Suaghtonhall United Reformed Church (SURC), Scottish Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd (COGS) and ourselves Murrayfield Church. MCT is a covenanted ecumenical partnership which formally came into being in ????. The last covenant was signed in 201? for a further x years. A steering group populated by members of all 3 congregations offers oversight. We share joint worship several times of year eg during The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and Christian Aid week. We come together for special services at Easter and Advent and Christmas and we also run Messy Church together. MCT supports Fresh Start and also a project in Kenya called ECUDARE. 

Kwamebikrom in Ghana - Since 20?? we have had a link with…

ECUDARE project in Kenya - Since 20?? MCT has supported an initiative in Kenya whose full name is…

Local schools - We have a friendship with St. George’s School for Girls and the minister offers some chaplaincy to the Junior + Lower schools of St. George’s. We have, for several years, had a close relationship with Wester Coates Nursery

Christian Aid:


Fresh Start:

Parish Grouping - A Parish Grouping has been proposed in the Presbytery Mission Plan (agreed in Spring 2023). Murrayfield is to work with St. Stephen's Comely Bank and Palmerston Place/GDS in a grouping. More information will follow when available