
Next service: Sunday Service
Sun 16th Mar, 10:30am

Strategic Plan 2024-2027

The Kirk Session has very recently considered a Three Year Strategic Plan for the congregation. The plan will help to shape our priorities and guide our activities. 

The format adopts various categories that were used in the Church of Scotland Local Church Review documentation. The areas covered are: Worship, Discipleship, Service, Evangelism, Fellowship, Ministry Team, Property, Stewardship and Communication.The end product is reasonably lengthy but at the same time it is not difficult to digest. We have had an initial attempt at prioritisation which is indicated by A, B or C. 

You can read the plan by clicking on the button below (printed copies can be requested from the office). The Kirk Session would like to receive feedback and comments. Please send over any remarks to me. In particular we would like to hear if you have any other ideas, and whether or not you think the proposals are heading along the right lines. Please feel free also to speak to me or one of the session clerks if there is anything you would like to discuss in person. 


contact Keith here